Intercultural Training: Approach

Proven and highly-customized: I focus closely on the unique needs of an individual or group, using established and leading-edge intercultural training methodologies that are grounded in research.

Holistic and comprehensive:  These programs deepen participants’ self-awareness, helping them see a wider, systemic view of themselves and people from other cultures. This enables them to be more effective.

Assessment-based: This work often includes a formal assessment, resulting in a report that highlights the most relevant cultural dimensions and differences that need to be addressed.

Seeing the unseen: Many individuals and groups are undermined by invisible cultural and personal dynamics. My programs help them to see – and better respond to – these issues.

Sustainable, positive change: Real change takes time. An optional coaching program can be combined with the 1-2 day trainings to ensure that clients optimally develop the intercultural competencies required to succeed in their new country.