Rita Brown


My personal, academic, and professional backgrounds are the foundations for my training and coaching practices.

I was born in Salvador, Brazil, have lived in North America and Europe and worked in 8 countries. I’ve traveled extensively, experiencing cultures on five continents.

In my early career, I worked for world-class private and academic institutions such as Banco Real / ABN AMRO Bank and Dartmouth College. As an intercultural professional I’ve trained dozens of senior executives and managers from over 20 Global 2000 companies in industries as diverse as telecommunications, FMCG, finance, energy, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing.

My Master’s degree is in Social Justice in Intercultural Relations from SIT Graduate Institute. I’m also a certified Integral Master Coach™ through Integral Coaching Canada, which is accredited through the International Coach Federation.

I hold professional membership in SIETAR USA – the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research – and have presented my own research on designing integrally-informed intercultural programs at their national conference.

I’m fluent in English and Portuguese, have trained and coached in both languages, and speak conversational Spanish.

My personal practices and sources of inspiration include: yoga, meditation, family, dancing, traveling, poetry, and hiking in nature.